
Shine On Promo (USA)

Holiday Records

Music is better on vinyl. Life is better on Holiday.

Basically, the foundation of our business. We love music, not just the literal sound of music but everything it stands for. We believe vinyl records epitomise everything there is to love about music. The history, the physical nature, the warmth a spinning record brings to a room, the artwork and of course – the sound. In today’s digital world, we’re missing out on a lot of that.

Holiday Records has brought vinyl record pressing back to New Zealand in 2018 for the first time since the 1980’s. We are proud to have brought a brand new, modern pressing plant to Auckland, New Zealand to service NZ and the world. An opportunity for artists at home and abroad to press their records in our corner of the globe and be a part of the whole process with us.

Having pressed over 500 titles for artists from all over the globe, Holiday Records is your destination to press your next release.
Visit Holiday Records

WARM - World Airplay Radio Monitor


Music management and sharing, solved. Upload, manage and share music and media files with anyone, anywhere. All your assets, where you need them. DISCO replaces the mishmash of iTunes, Box and Soundcloud. Receive, upload, edit, customize, collaborate.



Merlin is the largest and most trusted international digital music licensing partner for independents. Merlin provides independents the means to own their future. We are a member led, music focused organization. We provide digital music licensing for the leading independents across the globe. Members benefit from Merlin’s premium deals, but work directly with key digital partners, to help them compete at the highest levels. Merlin’s collective approach has enabled our membership to grow to represent 15% of the global market share.

The Benefits of Merlin Membership

The Path to Merlin Membership

Visit Merlin

Roundhead Studios

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